Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Painted Front Door

Are you bored with your exterior but don't have any budget for a remodel?  Take a step back, stare at the front of your home, and consider a new color for the front door.  Whether it's a new bold color you've always loved or a fresh coat of crisp black, a new door color can have a powerful impact on your home's facade.  Such a move can make your home "new to you" for the cost of a can of paint.  Here's a look at some colors to consider.  Imagine them on your own home.  which one would you choose? 

A robin's-egg hue brings attention to this beautiful Craftsman-style door.  Take note of the creatively placed address numbers . . . fun.  Bringing the color of the door into the flowers in the planters on either side of the door is also brilliant . . . it marries everything together. 

A cool hue of blue is always welcoming and found in a lot of coast homes.  Once again, take note of the creative placement of the address numbers.

Rust, a color I have on my own front door, is a warming and very welcoming color.  If your questioning wether to use a bold red, this could be a good compromise. 

A golden shad of yellow works very well with traditional architecture.  Even the strictest of preservation boards in New England will probably give thumbs up to a colonial golden yellow hue. 

A bold red door is a welcoming and fun choice for traditional home styles.  I think the port hole window on this door is way beyond fun! 

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